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How Much Energy Does The Universe Have? - Zero Energy Universe.

We probably know the law of conservation of energy .  'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.' So if we think about it for a while, a natural and obvious question arises, What is the total amount of energy available in the universe? There must be a constant value of energy in the universe since the energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So let's answer this question in this blog. What if I say that there is zero total amount of energy in the Universe? In other words, nothing is not nothing. Nothing can arrange itself in such a way that it becomes something. This hypothesis, that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero and such a Universe is called a zero-energy universe . For eg : 0 can be written as 0 = -1 +1 = -1987632 + 1987632 = +89000000 - 89000000. but actually, 0 is divided into +10 power 69 and -10 power 69 joules of energy in the universe. Similarly, there is positive energy in the form of matter-energy and negative energy in the form