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Will Fine Tuned Universe prove the existence of supreme entity?

 Fine-tuned universe - This idea presents that the universe is kind of designed or finely tuned in its physical laws, physical constants, and other parameters in order to allow the existence of life. Does this mean that the universe is made for us? Does this mean that some entity would have designed it, like God? This is a very interesting hypothesis in physics. So let's unpack this hypothesis in this blog. Let's start exploring this Fine tuned Universe hypothesis by understanding what fundamental constants of physics are Fundamental constants are fixed numerical values that are fundamental to the universe and are statistically improbable (unlikely) or have no theoretical basis, they are known necessarily by measurements and experiments. Examples of these Fundamental constants are the universal gravitational constant G = 6.67 * 10 to the power of -11 Newton meter square/kg square Or the plank's constant h = 6.626  * 10 to the power of -34 joules/second Or even the speed of

How Much Energy Does The Universe Have? - Zero Energy Universe.

We probably know the law of conservation of energy .  'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.' So if we think about it for a while, a natural and obvious question arises, What is the total amount of energy available in the universe? There must be a constant value of energy in the universe since the energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So let's answer this question in this blog. What if I say that there is zero total amount of energy in the Universe? In other words, nothing is not nothing. Nothing can arrange itself in such a way that it becomes something. This hypothesis, that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero and such a Universe is called a zero-energy universe . For eg : 0 can be written as 0 = -1 +1 = -1987632 + 1987632 = +89000000 - 89000000. but actually, 0 is divided into +10 power 69 and -10 power 69 joules of energy in the universe. Similarly, there is positive energy in the form of matter-energy and negative energy in the form

What Is Kepler's 3rd Law of Planatery Motion? Kepler's 3rd Law Explained!

  In previous blogs, I discussed Kepler's first  and second laws of planetary motion. In this blog, I will be discussing Kepler's third law of planetary motion. Statement:  "The ratio of the square of the orbital period of objects to the cube of the semi-major axis is the same for all objects orbiting the same prime celestial body. Kepler's 3rd Law of Planatery Motion T 1 2 /R 1 3 = T 2 2 /R 2 3 = T 3 2 /R 3 3    or vice versa R 1 3 /T 1 2 = R 2 3 /T 2 2 = R 3 3 /T 3 2  Different Elements of Ellipse For example, if you take the sun as being a prime celestial body orbited by objects that are planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Planets Average distance from the Sun during a complete revolution (In Astronomical Unit ) Time Taken for a complete revolution (In Earth days) Mercury 0.387 87.969 Venus 0.723 244.700 Earth 1 365.256

What is kepler's 2nd law of planetary motion? Why is kepler's second law important?

Kepler's Second Law, The Law of Equal Areas: Kepler's second law of planetary motion states that "a line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals". This means that the planet moves faster when it is closer to the Sun and slower when it is farther away. To understand Kepler's second law, it is helpful to think about the concept of angular momentum. Angular momentum is the product of an object's mass, its velocity, and the distance from the object to the center of rotation. In the case of a planet orbiting the Sun, the angular momentum of the planet is constant. Kepler's second law of planetary motion. Angular momentum = Mass*Velocity*Distance from Sun to celestial body. L = MVR Now, angular momentum is constant (as angular momentum is conserved). Therefore, L and M are constant. R is a variable as the orbit is elliptical in shape (from the first law of Kepler). So, to compensate for the variable R, the velocity V of the pl

How chandrayaan 3 works?

let me first start by explaining some terminologies that I will be using in this blog so that you don't need to Google every now and then.  ISRO : ISRO stands for Indian Space Research Organisation. It is India’s national space agency responsible for space research and exploration. Lander : A lander is a spacecraft (A spacecraft is a vehicle designed for travel or operation outside the earth’s atmosphere) designed to land on a celestial body such as a planet or moon. Rover : A rover is a vehicle designed to move across the surface of a celestial body (A celestial body is an aggregation of matter in the universe, such as a planet or star that can be considered as a single unit for astronomical study )  such as a planet or moon. Propulsion module : A propulsion module is a component of a spacecraft that provides thrust (in lame language thrust is forward force) to move it through space. Powered descent : Powered descent refers to using rocket engines to slow down a spacecraft as it a

What Is The Shape of Planetary Orbit? And What Is Kepler's First Law of Planetary Motion?

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, celestial bodies dance through the void in intricate and mesmerizing patterns. For centuries, humanity gazed upon the heavens, seeking to decipher the celestial choreography. Among those who dedicated their lives to unraveling these celestial mysteries, Johannes Kepler stands as a luminary figure. His first law of planetary motion, unveiled in the early 17th century, revolutionized our understanding of how planets move through space. At the heart of Kepler's first law lies a simple yet profound revelation, planets do not follow perfectly circular paths in their orbits around the Sun, as had been previously believed. Instead, they trace elliptical orbits. This departure from circularity opened Pandora's box of questions and insights, forever altering our understanding of the cosmos. An ellipse is a geometric shape resembling a flattened circle, characterized by two focal points rather than a single center. In the context of planetary motion, th

What Is Entropy? And Is the Fundamental Nature Of Universe? If Yes, How and Why?

Entropy is an idea that has entranced and puzzled researchers, logicians, and masterminds across different disciplines for quite a long time. A term conveys a persona, frequently connected with disarray and confusion. However, when we jump further into the idea of entropy, we find that it's not just about irregularity and disorder; an essential rule oversees the universe's way of behaving. In its least difficult structure, entropy can be portrayed as a proportion of turmoil or irregularity in a framework. An idea begins from the field of thermodynamics, where portraying the change of energy in heat engines was first presented. Be that as it may, its applications reach out a long way past thermodynamics, pervading different fields like data hypothesis, science, and even way of thinking. One of the most widely recognized ways of understanding entropy is through the case of a deck of cards. Envision a fresh out of the box new deck, flawlessly arranged by suit and rank, with hearts

What is Double slit Experiment? and Why is it Important?

 Have you ever wondered about the strange and mind-boggling nature of the universe at the tiniest scales? Welcome to the realm of quantum physics, where particles can be in two places at once and reality seems to defy our intuition. One of the most intriguing experiments in this realm is Double-slit Experiment. A mind-twisting puzzle that challenges our understanding of the nature of matter and light. Imagine a wall with two slits cut into it, side by side Now, envision shooting tiny particles like Electrons or even photons (particles of light), at this wall. You would expect these particles to act like little bullets passing through one slit or the other and leaving two separate patterns on the wall behind the slits, But wait that's not what happens. When scientists actually perform this experiment, they were in for a shock. Instead of two simple patterns, they observed something astonishing and an interference pattern. This pattern looks like a series of alternating light and dar