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How Much Energy Does The Universe Have? - Zero Energy Universe.

We probably know the law of conservation of energy .  'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.' So if we think about it for a while, a natural and obvious question arises, What is the total amount of energy available in the universe? There must be a constant value of energy in the universe since the energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So let's answer this question in this blog. What if I say that there is zero total amount of energy in the Universe? In other words, nothing is not nothing. Nothing can arrange itself in such a way that it becomes something. This hypothesis, that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero and such a Universe is called a zero-energy universe . For eg : 0 can be written as 0 = -1 +1 = -1987632 + 1987632 = +89000000 - 89000000. but actually, 0 is divided into +10 power 69 and -10 power 69 joules of energy in the universe. Similarly, there is positive energy in the form of matter-energy and negative energy in the form

What Is Entropy? And Is the Fundamental Nature Of Universe? If Yes, How and Why?

Entropy is an idea that has entranced and puzzled researchers, logicians, and masterminds across different disciplines for quite a long time. A term conveys a persona, frequently connected with disarray and confusion. However, when we jump further into the idea of entropy, we find that it's not just about irregularity and disorder; an essential rule oversees the universe's way of behaving. In its least difficult structure, entropy can be portrayed as a proportion of turmoil or irregularity in a framework. An idea begins from the field of thermodynamics, where portraying the change of energy in heat engines was first presented. Be that as it may, its applications reach out a long way past thermodynamics, pervading different fields like data hypothesis, science, and even way of thinking. One of the most widely recognized ways of understanding entropy is through the case of a deck of cards. Envision a fresh out of the box new deck, flawlessly arranged by suit and rank, with hearts