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Gyroplane, A fascinating plane that can become your Taxi.

The aviation industry is full of fascinating and interesting machines with unique designs, capabilities, and mechanisms. Among these Gyroplane or Autogyro holds a unique place as it bothers some features of fixed-wing planes and some features of helicopters and becomes a perfect blend for a low-speed aircraft with high fuel efficiency and better stability and control. using very interesting phenomena like auto rotation to spin its top rotor and produce lift. So in this blog, we will be discussing what is autogyro? how does an autogyro work? and the future of autogyro. What is AutoGyro or Gyroplane? A gyroplane or autogyro (from the Greek word meaning ('self turning'), is a heavier-than-air aircraft that uses a rotor usually to the rare of the fuselage called pusher configuration to produce thrust. Autogyro uses an engine to power its rare rotor, which creates the forward motion of the airplane by pushing the air backward. To produce lift it uses another rotor, which, unlike a h

Atom To Cell.

In this blog, we will discuss about the difference between the atom and the cell. Why atom is not the fundamental unit of life? and a journey of an atom to a cell. Firstly, what is the difference between an atom and a cell?  Atom is the fundamental unit of the entire matter, whereas cell is the fundamental unit of living matter. which means every cell is made up of atoms, whereas every atom is not a cell. Size of atom vs the size of cell The size of the atom ranges between 10 to the power minus 14 meters i.e. picometer (pm) to 10 to the power of minus 10 meters i.e. Armstrong. To visualize it, magnify an apple to that of the size of Earth, And now the size of the original apple is probably the size of an atom of this giant apple (from the book: six easy pieces). Whereas the size of the cell ranges between 10 to the power of minus 6 meters i.e. micrometers to 10 to the power of minus 2 meters i.e. centimeters. The overall conclusion about the size of atoms and cells is that an atom is w

The Electrifying Life of Michael Faraday: From Apprentice to Scientific Giant.

In the annals of scientific history, few names shine as brightly as Michael Faraday. A man of humble beginnings, Faraday's life journey is a testament to the power of curiosity, determination, and unquenchable passion for science. His groundbreaking work in the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry revolutionized the world, earning him a place as one of the most influential experimentalists of the 19th century. Join us as we embark on a journey through the electrifying life of Michael Faraday. Early Life and Struggles Michael Faraday was born on September 22, 1791, in Newington Butts, Surrey, England. He was the third of four children born to a blacksmith and his wife. Faraday's family lived in poverty, and his early education was minimal. He left school at the age of 13 to work as an errand boy, and his prospects for a bright future seemed dim. However, his relentless thirst for knowledge would soon set him on a remarkable path. The Turning Point Faraday's life t

Fascinating Life Of Nikola Tesla - Elon Musk's Favourite scientist.

Nikola Tesla was an American inventor and electrical engineer who is considered one of the greatest genius of all time, known for his contribution in the AC current electrical system , Tesla coil , wireless communication system , invention of the radio , and induction motor and had approximately 300 patents in various fields during his lifetime. Tesla has become one of the most admired and respected man by many intellectual people, Scientists, and even entrepreneurs. Elon Musk , the most popular entrepreneur of overtime, has named one of his electrical car company as ' Tesla Motors '. This shows the respect Nicola Tesla has gained over time. Tesla, though not so famous and recognized, and also a very underrated scientist during his lifetime, still had a deep imprint in the scientific community. In 1931, when Einstein was asked about the impact of Tesla's work, he reportedly said "Tesla's great and unsung scientific work has somewhere left the world and the power i

Strong Nuclear Force - Force Of Nature.

What is a Strong Force?  Strong force is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. Other forces are gravitational force, weak force, and electromagnetic force. Also, as the name suggests, it is the strongest of all four forces, 100 times stronger than electromagnetic force, million times stronger than weak nuclear force, and 100 trillion trillion trillion times stronger than gravity. The strong force acts at a very, very small distance only, it has a very short range. The strong force is responsible for keeping the nucleons (protons and neutrons) together inside the nucleus of an atom. Credit: Science facts The strong force is responsible for The strong force is responsible for holding proton-proton and proton-neutron together in the nucleus. The nucleus is a dense region of the atom around which the electrons form an electron cloud. Since protons are positively charged, they repel each other. But this repulsion is neutralized, and protons are held together with this strong f

Gravitational force or Curvature of Space-time.

Introduction and questions related to gravity. We are familiar with Newtonian gravity which describes gravity as a force that pulls together objects with mass. But a very relevant question arises which was also a concern for Newton within his gravitational concept. The concern was, 1. How can a mass exert a force on another mass instantaneously, without getting in contact with it? . Gravity is a non-zero force even in a very deep space. So, the mass of Earth is exerting a force on the mass of some planet far, far away, in some distant galaxy instantaneously and with no contact (though gravitational force will be very, very weak as gravitational force decreases squared time the distance). Another radical thing that Newton did was he said that 2. The things falling on Earth and the moon revolving around the Earth. The cause for both these scenarios is one that is gravitational force But how? There is another fundamental question which is 3.  Why does mass attract other masses? In thi

What is Matter made of? Standard Model of Elementary Particles explained.

What is this all made of?  What is the fundamental building block of this universe? These kinds of questions have bugged many great thinkers for hundreds of years. In this blog, let us discuss the most updated model humans have come up with to answer this fundamental question i.e. what is all this made of? Technically, if you modify this question, then it would be something like, what is all 'matter' made of? In ancient cultures, this substance should be individual (Cannot be further divided) And they called it an atom (derived from the Greek word atomos, meaning uncuttable). But further studies discovered that this atom can be further divided and thus the discovery of subatomic particles, electrons, neutrons, and protons was established. For a short period of time, these were considered as indivisible particles. But this understanding was put into question by Murray Gell-Mann in his 'Quark theory'. This theory was further developed, and currently, we have 'The Sta

Will Fine Tuned Universe prove the existence of supreme entity?

 Fine-tuned universe - This idea presents that the universe is kind of designed or finely tuned in its physical laws, physical constants, and other parameters in order to allow the existence of life. Does this mean that the universe is made for us? Does this mean that some entity would have designed it, like God? This is a very interesting hypothesis in physics. So let's unpack this hypothesis in this blog. Let's start exploring this Fine tuned Universe hypothesis by understanding what fundamental constants of physics are Fundamental constants are fixed numerical values that are fundamental to the universe and are statistically improbable (unlikely) or have no theoretical basis, they are known necessarily by measurements and experiments. Examples of these Fundamental constants are the universal gravitational constant G = 6.67 * 10 to the power of -11 Newton meter square/kg square Or the plank's constant h = 6.626  * 10 to the power of -34 joules/second Or even the speed of

How Much Energy Does The Universe Have? - Zero Energy Universe.

We probably know the law of conservation of energy .  'Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.' So if we think about it for a while, a natural and obvious question arises, What is the total amount of energy available in the universe? There must be a constant value of energy in the universe since the energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So let's answer this question in this blog. What if I say that there is zero total amount of energy in the Universe? In other words, nothing is not nothing. Nothing can arrange itself in such a way that it becomes something. This hypothesis, that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero and such a Universe is called a zero-energy universe . For eg : 0 can be written as 0 = -1 +1 = -1987632 + 1987632 = +89000000 - 89000000. but actually, 0 is divided into +10 power 69 and -10 power 69 joules of energy in the universe. Similarly, there is positive energy in the form of matter-energy and negative energy in the form

What Is Kepler's 3rd Law of Planatery Motion? Kepler's 3rd Law Explained!

  In previous blogs, I discussed Kepler's first  and second laws of planetary motion. In this blog, I will be discussing Kepler's third law of planetary motion. Statement:  "The ratio of the square of the orbital period of objects to the cube of the semi-major axis is the same for all objects orbiting the same prime celestial body. Kepler's 3rd Law of Planatery Motion T 1 2 /R 1 3 = T 2 2 /R 2 3 = T 3 2 /R 3 3    or vice versa R 1 3 /T 1 2 = R 2 3 /T 2 2 = R 3 3 /T 3 2  Different Elements of Ellipse For example, if you take the sun as being a prime celestial body orbited by objects that are planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Planets Average distance from the Sun during a complete revolution (In Astronomical Unit ) Time Taken for a complete revolution (In Earth days) Mercury 0.387 87.969 Venus 0.723 244.700 Earth 1 365.256

What is kepler's 2nd law of planetary motion? Why is kepler's second law important?

Kepler's Second Law, The Law of Equal Areas: Kepler's second law of planetary motion states that "a line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals". This means that the planet moves faster when it is closer to the Sun and slower when it is farther away. To understand Kepler's second law, it is helpful to think about the concept of angular momentum. Angular momentum is the product of an object's mass, its velocity, and the distance from the object to the center of rotation. In the case of a planet orbiting the Sun, the angular momentum of the planet is constant. Kepler's second law of planetary motion. Angular momentum = Mass*Velocity*Distance from Sun to celestial body. L = MVR Now, angular momentum is constant (as angular momentum is conserved). Therefore, L and M are constant. R is a variable as the orbit is elliptical in shape (from the first law of Kepler). So, to compensate for the variable R, the velocity V of the pl