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Fascinating Life Of Nikola Tesla - Elon Musk's Favourite scientist.

Nikola Tesla was an American inventor and electrical engineer who is considered one of the greatest genius of all time, known for his contribution in the AC current electrical system, Tesla coil, wireless communication system, invention of the radio, and induction motor and had approximately 300 patents in various fields during his lifetime. Tesla has become one of the most admired and respected man by many intellectual people, Scientists, and even entrepreneurs. Elon Musk, the most popular entrepreneur of overtime, has named one of his electrical car company as 'Tesla Motors'. This shows the respect Nicola Tesla has gained over time.

Tesla, though not so famous and recognized, and also a very underrated scientist during his lifetime, still had a deep imprint in the scientific community. In 1931, when Einstein was asked about the impact of Tesla's work, he reportedly said "Tesla's great and unsung scientific work has somewhere left the world and the power industry, heritage and legacy which is still in service today". Einstein also considered Tesla to be the smartest person of that time.

Nikola Tesla also being my personal favorite. In this blog, I want to share some of his stories from his life that a strange, weird, and very interesting giving some insight into the genius mind of Nikola Tesla.

Vivid Imagination That Haunted Him.

Nikola Tesla started having visions as a child, along with light flashes that made him unable to distinguish between the real world and his imagination. This haunted him when he was a child but later became the biggest contributor to his later inventions. This remained constant. He was able to imagine inventions in such detail in his head as a result of the vision that he didn't even need to sketch them out. In a 1919 article, he described how the designs were refined in his head. "Invariably, my device works as I conceived that it should, and the experiment comes out exactly as I planned it," he wrote. There hasn't been a single exception in 20 years. Tesla attributes his interest in inventions to his mother. Small home appliances were created by Duka Mandic in her spare time.

Tesla frequently mentioned having profound visions and insights after being exposed to particular light frequencies. He asserted that he had witnessed a "mystical white light," which he associated with the role his active imagination played in his creative processes.

credit: fast voice media

Fascination Towards Pigeons.

Pigeons held a deep fascination for Nikola Tesla; he would spend hours feeding and observing them. Additionally, he used to bring the hurt pigeons to his room so he could care for them until they could fly once more. He left his room's windows open so that pigeons could visit him even in his final days.

Despite never getting married, Nikola Tesla acknowledged that he had fallen in love with the particular white pigeon. I love that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me, he reportedly said. I had a reason to live as long as I had her. 

During his lifetime, Tesla lost his beloved pigeon. Tesla claimed in 1922 that his pigeon forewarned him of her impending death before it actually happened. Tesla added that she had a white light shine from her eyes as she passed away that was brighter than anything he had ever produced with his electrical devices. The loss of his cherished Pigeon broke his heart. 

credits: Likeville

Tesla Had an Extraterrestrial Contact.

One of Nikola Tesla's less well-known assertions was that he had contact with extraterrestrial life. Even though they may not agree with the general consensus in science, Tesla's claims of extraterrestrial encounters are still an intriguing aspect of his legacy.

Tesla claims that in the late 1890s while conducting radio wave experiments in Colorado Springs, he discovered unusual signals that he thought were not from the earth. He claimed that these signals carried understandable information. He asserted that they might have been an effort by extraterrestrial life to communicate.

Tesla never offered concrete evidence of these encounters, which has raised doubt. Although these claims shouldn't be taken at face value, his visionary nature and propensity for out-of-the-box thinking indicate that they shouldn't be.

credits: University of Oxford

Death Ray- Devastating Weapon That Would Destroy The World.

Nikola Tesla is frequently linked to the idea of a fabled "death ray," a futuristic weapon that might alter how war is fought. Tesla claimed to have created a potent beam that could destroy distant targets. However, he did not intend to develop a weapon of mass destruction; instead, he thought it might act as a deterrent to war, possibly promoting peace by making war more destructive and, as a result, less alluring.

The idea of the "death ray" fascinated the public and the media, but it largely remained hypothetical. Tesla was not entirely clear about the technical specifications, which raised doubts about whether he actually had a functioning prototype. Click here to learn about Death Ray.

credits: Wikipedia

Gambling Habit That Forced Him To Leave Institution.

Tesla established himself as a model student in his first year. Never missing a class, and purportedly studying from 3:00 AM to 7:00 PM every day. This extreme study schedule led one professor to write to his father, pleading for him to be escorted out of the school immediately because his son might work himself to death. Others praised him for his seal, such as the Technical Faculty Dean who told Tesla's father Militine that his son was "a star of first rank." 

But Tesla would get distracted during his sophomore year, acquiring a dangerous gambling habit and gambling away his entire tuition fund. Tesla had also ignored his schoolwork, performing exceedingly low in exams and having no marks filed for his last semester. He was likewise unable to graduate and was forced to leave the institution in December 1878, a failure he kept hidden from his family and peers due to feelings of remorse and embarrassment.

Check out this documentary to learn more about Tesla's Life:


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