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In the present world, we are almost always either disturbed by our past memories and embarrassments or worried about our future.

And many people advise living in the present moment as a solution to the problem. We create another problem for ourselves by trying to solve the former. By trying to live in the present moment as we do overanalyze our actions and our behavior, and by trying to be in the Present or Now, we won't. Then we force ourselves to be aware always and as we try harder we get further away from it. At this point, we are filled with guilt, negative self-talk, and more unhappiness.

DISCLAIMER: I'm nowhere qualified to give anyone any sort of advice not even to myself. this is just my understanding of the subject and I just sharing my knowledge, understanding, and perspective. so, don't take it too seriously. 

But if I am to solve this problem, firstly I will ask myself what is 'Now'? and as far as my understanding goes there is absolutely nothing other than 'Now'. When we say "I live in the past or the future" or "I don't live in the present moment" what we mean is we are most of the time thinking (self-talk, associations of words and images) about the past or the future. But even when we are thinking about the past or the future we are thinking in Now, not even today but just 'Now' or 'Present'.

I feel to realize this you have to sit, 'just sit' after some time you would automatically become aware of your thoughts (self-talk). Thoughts from the past and about the future how those thoughts have links with each other, how they interact, which thought leads to which, how fast is the activity of thought etc. Just by being automatically aware of thoughts you are beyond the past and the future, you are in 'Now'. Some thoughts may trigger good/pleasant feelings and some may trigger bad, but this entire phenomenon is happening in 'Now'.

You can't live in any other dimension except Now. Even if you desire to live in the past or the future you can't. Your the being of vast, wonderful, and weird Now.

Does this realization solve our issues? MOST PROBABLY NOT. You might still have bad feelings, bad emotions, agitated moods, etc ( Actually they are not bad they are just feelings, emotions, and moods). But the subtle difference might be you are okay with any feeling, any thought, any mood. You're not happy because you are happy, you're not afraid because you are afraid, you're not pleasant because you are pleasant, and you're not sad because you are sad. 

'Now' is not the function of time. Now is eternal it's always there. We might have time chronologically and in clock for convenient purposes but the real Now is timeless.

(Disclaimer: These thoughts are based on my present understanding and THIS IS FROM A STANDPOINT. My understanding may change. don't take it too seriously)  


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