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20 hrs to make our lifes Interesting, Fun and Engageing.

 A few months ago, I watched a YouTube video that gave me a new perspective on learning new things This was a ted talk, and I don't remember the speaker's name (Sorry for that). I found this idea very interesting and wanted to share it. 

Most of us may have heard that it would take around 10,000 hours to master a new skill, 10,000 hours. If we make a basic calculation, for example, 8 hours per day, and if 25 working days per month So 8*25= 200 hours per month. 200*12 = 2400 hours per year, 10,000 / 2400 = 4.16 years to master a new skill. It would take four years to master a new skill.

But here is a slight miscommunication, It is to become an EXPERT. This study was conducted on the best athletes greatest music composers and chess grandmasters. Then the conductor of the study came to the conclusion of 10,000 hours to master anything.

When I heard about this study, probably for the first time, I thought that, OH! it would take 10000hrs to learn a new skill. Many of you people may have thought the same, but 10,000 hours was to MASTER the new skill.

So how long does it take to LEARN a new skill? The answer is just 20 hours. Again, if we calculate 8  hours per day, so 20 / 8 that is, 2.5 days are required to learn a new skill, not 4*365 rather just 2.5 days.

Another interesting fact is that you will get ahead of approximately 80% of the population just in 2.5 days This might seem unlikely, but the logic here is most of the population do not even start that particular skill. So just 2.5 days, you know more about the skill than 80% of the population.

This idea opens up immense possibilities for learning new things, even if we can learn one skill in one week, We will learn four skills in a month, and we will make our life more interesting, fun, and engaging I found this idea really helpful, so I'm very glad to share it with you people. Thank you.

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