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How chandrayaan 3 works?

let me first start by explaining some terminologies that I will be using in this blog so that you don't need to Google every now and then.  ISRO : ISRO stands for Indian Space Research Organisation. It is India’s national space agency responsible for space research and exploration. Lander : A lander is a spacecraft (A spacecraft is a vehicle designed for travel or operation outside the earth’s atmosphere) designed to land on a celestial body such as a planet or moon. Rover : A rover is a vehicle designed to move across the surface of a celestial body (A celestial body is an aggregation of matter in the universe, such as a planet or star that can be considered as a single unit for astronomical study )  such as a planet or moon. Propulsion module : A propulsion module is a component of a spacecraft that provides thrust (in lame language thrust is forward force) to move it through space. Powered descent : Powered descent refers to using rocket engines to slow down a spacecraft as it a

What Is The Shape of Planetary Orbit? And What Is Kepler's First Law of Planetary Motion?

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, celestial bodies dance through the void in intricate and mesmerizing patterns. For centuries, humanity gazed upon the heavens, seeking to decipher the celestial choreography. Among those who dedicated their lives to unraveling these celestial mysteries, Johannes Kepler stands as a luminary figure. His first law of planetary motion, unveiled in the early 17th century, revolutionized our understanding of how planets move through space. At the heart of Kepler's first law lies a simple yet profound revelation, planets do not follow perfectly circular paths in their orbits around the Sun, as had been previously believed. Instead, they trace elliptical orbits. This departure from circularity opened Pandora's box of questions and insights, forever altering our understanding of the cosmos. An ellipse is a geometric shape resembling a flattened circle, characterized by two focal points rather than a single center. In the context of planetary motion, th

What Is Entropy? And Is the Fundamental Nature Of Universe? If Yes, How and Why?

Entropy is an idea that has entranced and puzzled researchers, logicians, and masterminds across different disciplines for quite a long time. A term conveys a persona, frequently connected with disarray and confusion. However, when we jump further into the idea of entropy, we find that it's not just about irregularity and disorder; an essential rule oversees the universe's way of behaving. In its least difficult structure, entropy can be portrayed as a proportion of turmoil or irregularity in a framework. An idea begins from the field of thermodynamics, where portraying the change of energy in heat engines was first presented. Be that as it may, its applications reach out a long way past thermodynamics, pervading different fields like data hypothesis, science, and even way of thinking. One of the most widely recognized ways of understanding entropy is through the case of a deck of cards. Envision a fresh out of the box new deck, flawlessly arranged by suit and rank, with hearts

What is Double slit Experiment? and Why is it Important?

 Have you ever wondered about the strange and mind-boggling nature of the universe at the tiniest scales? Welcome to the realm of quantum physics, where particles can be in two places at once and reality seems to defy our intuition. One of the most intriguing experiments in this realm is Double-slit Experiment. A mind-twisting puzzle that challenges our understanding of the nature of matter and light. Imagine a wall with two slits cut into it, side by side Now, envision shooting tiny particles like Electrons or even photons (particles of light), at this wall. You would expect these particles to act like little bullets passing through one slit or the other and leaving two separate patterns on the wall behind the slits, But wait that's not what happens. When scientists actually perform this experiment, they were in for a shock. Instead of two simple patterns, they observed something astonishing and an interference pattern. This pattern looks like a series of alternating light and dar

You can never be satisfied if you are not satisfied NOW.

You can never be satisfied if you are not satisfied NOW. One reason for this is that there is no future, no past, no present just NOW, And every feeling, emotion, and dissatisfaction is just the changes in NOW. So if you're not satisfied now, you can never be satisfied ever again. Another reason is that our life will not change as drastically as we think in our imagination, even after we achieve whatever we want, or whatever we think will change our life. There will be changes, but they seem tiny and small over a period of time. So, learning to be completely satisfied with now and not relying on your hopes for the changes in now is the most important skill. And understand this, that there might be a kind of FOMO (fear of missing out) we will always have, and it's not an unrealistic one. Like, if we choose to do business, we are automatically negating all the other possible career options, And it can be applied to any other aspect of life, like marriage. If you get married to on

20 hrs to make our lifes Interesting, Fun and Engageing.

 A few months ago, I watched a YouTube video that gave me a new perspective on learning new things This was a ted talk, and I don't remember the speaker's name (Sorry for that). I found this idea very interesting and wanted to share it.  Most of us may have heard that it would take around 10,000 hours to master a new skill, 10,000 hours. If we make a basic calculation, for example, 8 hours per day, and if 25 working days per month So 8*25= 200 hours per month. 200*12 = 2400 hours per year, 10,000 / 2400 = 4.16 years to master a new skill. It would take four years to master a new skill. But here is a slight miscommunication, It is to become an EXPERT. This study was conducted on the best athletes greatest music composers and chess grandmasters. Then the conductor of the study came to the conclusion of 10,000 hours to master anything. When I heard about this study, probably for the first time, I thought that, OH! it would take 10000hrs to learn a new skill. Many of you people may

The Show.

Dwelled in strangeness so often That strangeness doesn't feel strange, Dwelled in Wonder so often That wonder has become obvious.  Strange, weird, odd.  Also funny, Light, and amazing. Show what's next? Show something new, refreshing, and unique, I'm tired of your old tantrums, with your silly stupid surprises.  Show, Maybe something similar to others, Maybe something similar to common sense, Maybe something similar to obviously obvious, Maybe something similar to similar. Do you have anything more? More artistic also more sharp, More fluid also more solid, More wiggly And also rigid. Do show me some sanity, Do show me something that 'should' be done, Do show me some compulsion, Do show me some prison. I'm ready. I'm courageous enough to go on, Go on with you on your pointless journey,   Yet adventures and filled with madness. Take me to thrills, fears, horrors, and scariest, Take me to dark, darker, and darkest, I'm afraid. But courageous. I'm frigh


In the present world, we are almost always either disturbed by our past memories and embarrassments or worried about our future. And many people advise living in the present moment as a solution to the problem. We create another problem for ourselves by trying to solve the former. By trying to live in the present moment as we do overanalyze our actions and our behavior, and by trying to be in the Present or Now, we won't. Then we force ourselves to be aware always and as we try harder we get further away from it. At this point, we are filled with guilt, negative self-talk, and more unhappiness. DISCLAIMER: I'm nowhere qualified to give anyone any sort of advice not even to myself. this is just my understanding of the subject and I just sharing my knowledge, understanding, and perspective. so, don't take it too seriously.  But if I am to solve this problem, firstly I will ask myself what is 'Now'? and as far as my understanding goes there is absolutely nothing other




Beyond obvious There is everything that's not obvious Within obvious There is everything that's obvious Which one attracts 'this' Obviously the beyond obvious but to be obviously understandable 'this' should be within obvious There is the world, so colorful, so amazing but also strange, haunting, and odd There is another world, too boring, too dull but also very known, familiar, and secure Which one does 'this' prefer obviously the colorful but strange, the stunning but odd But to be obviously sane 'this should prefer boring but known, dull but secure Obviously, there is no obviousness in 'this' and there is no obviousness within obvious So, whatever 'this' tell so Obviously 'this' knows nothing.    


If you want to understand the universe better, then you have to think in terms of frequency, vibration, and energy. --  'NIKOLA TESLA'      There are only 2 ways to look at life, one as if nothing is magical, and another as if everything is magical. -- 'ALBERT EINSTEIN'    We all are superheroes. Not each one of us, but all of us together. -- 'HANK GREEN'   Human suffers only because he takes seriously what God made for fun.-- 'ALAN WATTS'   I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned. -- 'RICHARD FEYNMAN'    Highest form of wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing. -- 'SOCRATES'   Even a fool can know. The point is to understand. -- 'ALBERT EINSTEIN'    The person who says doesn't know and the person who knows does not say.  -- 'LAO TZU'   You are not a drop in the ocean. But the ocean in a drop.  -- 'RUMI'    Fluidity is the way to an empty mind. You mu


 I prefer to have habits and hobbies rather than having goals because I don't know which goal is actually good for me, but at least approximately know which hobbies or habits are good and which are not. Here I like to divide habits in 2 categories. One is hobbies and other is addiction. Putting very loosely in conventional way hobbies are habits that will lead you to a good life and addictions are habits will trap you for the rest of your life. I rely on hobbies a lot because I feel they help you to fall back on. If there is nothing to do. You can get back to your hobbies and some time you can make a career out of hobbies. If you are able to do that, that is, convert your hobbies into a career, then you will have a very easygoing career. Recently I watched a YouTube video. This video gave me a perspective on hobbies that I really found helpful and really like to share. The idea was hobbies were divided into 3 categories. Physical hobbies. Solo hobbies. Social hobbies. You should ha


Selfishness is the highest form of virtue according to me. Why am I saying that? let may explain.  Let me divide selfishness into selfishness without understanding, and selfishness with understanding.  When we talk about selfishness, we most often talk about selfishness without understanding. In a conventional saying of that word, we mean that a person thinks only of himself, and his benefits and do not care about other people, only cares about his well-being, and for him, other's well-being does not exist at all. Others might be people, family, animals, birds, trees, environment, future generations, ETC. This is selfishness without understanding.  When you question yourself, you realize that there is no actual difference between 'YOU' and 'YOUR  ENVIRONMENT'. YOU are the ENVIRONMENT. Or in another way, YOU are the SOCIETY. To have the well-being of oneself You must also have the well-being of everything. You can't be happy when people around you are sad. You ca


COMPETITION Competition occurs when there is scarcity. For example. There is only one banana and there are 3 monkeys, 3 monkeys fight for that one banana Or it occurs out of greed, Let's take the same example. There is only one banana and 3 monkeys. But this time, one monkey already has one banana but still, he is fighting for that one banana. Because he is greedy. Here I want to emphasize that greed is not negative (nor positive). But now, the question arises at this time ie 20th-century humans have infinite resources than any other generation before, but there is still competition in the world. Why?  First of all, is competition bad? I don't know. But I know one thing for sure, that competition arises out of scarcity. Sense of lack. Greed is a form of lack. According to me having the mindset of all sum-game. looking at life, and its resources as abandoned and exuberant, Is far better than the mindset of competition.  Some people may argue that competition helps to improve, bu

I am always filled with weirdness, vastness and wonder that life holds.

 I don't know. Life is weird. Nobody knows what it is, nobody knows how does it work, and most of them don't even care. Just looking, hearing, sense of being is odd to me. Existence of something rather than nothing is fascinating, wonderful, scary, odd, and weird. A sense of being or popping out of nothing, out of nowhere, just grabs my attention. Asking questions that are very complicated to answer like what is life? What is time? who am I? what is space? am I alive? What is experienced? and getting stuck with them, Contemplating about them, spending time on them, getting amazed by them and one day just gone. Not even a single hint of existence. Not even a............... It's gone completely and it's just nothing. It's so, so, so weird. It's so weird that I don't have words.  I'm just amazed.


 The world of words is boring repetitive misleading no color, no curiosity, no excitement, and no wonder. But all this is traded for a mere illusion of meaning. Beyond word's world, there is a more exciting, curious wonderful, and colorful world. The world with intensity, that is the world behind words. This world does not have meaning, but may illusion of meaning and meaninglessness fades away. It is full of questions, full of light, and full of darkness. I prefer this world in the former.


 For to be idle is to become a stranger unto the season, and to step out of life procession that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the Infinite.  When you work, you are the flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music.  And I say that life is indeed darkness, save when there is urge. And all urge is blind, safe when there is knowledge. And all knowledge is vain, save when there is work. And all work is empty, save when there is love. And when. And when you work with love, you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another and to God.  And what is it to work with love? It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth. It is to build a house with affection, even as if your beloved was to dwell in that house. It is to associate with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your lover were to eat the fruit. And he's alone, he's great who turns the voice of the wind into the


Till this point I was thinking of 'cause and effect' in a linear way but it should have been very obvious for me that its not a better understanding of it , its actually multidimensional. single cause creates multiple effects  also, multiple causes creates single effect also,  effects created by single cause can furthur either be the single indivisual causes creating multiple effects or be the part of multiple causes creating single effect. also, might be some effects become the single indivisual causes creating multiple effects or multiple causes creating single effect and some become the part of multiple causes creating single or multiple effects at the same time. also,  single effect created by multiple causes an either become the single cause creating multiple effect or become the part of multiple causes creating single effect.  and it goes on.......... ever incresing and colliding with other causes and other effects for different sets.   


Why should one read? Many people on the internet or otherwise say that we should read books also we have heard the stories that most successful people read lots of books. It's claimed that Bill Gates reads about 50 books in a year and there are many other similar stories. In this video, I want to give my perspective on reading I am not an avid reader but I call it my habit, I have read close to around 8 to 10 books till this point, and one thing I can say for sure is that every book has changed or given me a new perspective to look at the world. For example, My Experiment With Truth-autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi was one of my earliest books, seeing the life of Mahatma through his eyes is very different. There are many behaviors, cultural practices, and attitudes I relate to and also many that I cannot relate to like he got married at the age of 13 that book was an inspiration for me. The recent book I read was 'Sapiens- a brief history of Humankind' this is my favorite bo


  Let the pain prevail, Let the noble be betrayed by scale. Let the peace be suppressed, but Let the deep dark pain be expressed. Let the godly crime, and Let the criminal become prime. Let unjust rule the world, and Let the Just be curled. Let the old suffer the patience before death, and cry over the regrets until the last breath. Let that little child scream out of hunger, and a helpless mother's hug save it from death monger. Let the birds fly, water flow. and sunshine and Let us sigh and say I am fine. Let my Qwest for the solution to this wonder, be shattered by the bright thunder, The brightness that can't be portrayed, and thunder that can't be conveyed. In the end, I have a secret that needs to be kept with all due respect Everything is just perfect. 

What is Inspiration for me?

 For me, it is the strong sense or feeling or desire to express myself. Expressing oneself in as many ways as one can. For example, how can you express the experience of seeing? By words, which is a form of expression. Painting, which is another form of expressing 'seeing'. Photography, videography, and there are many other forms to express the experience of 'seeing'. But none can actually portray the exact experience of 'seeing', but it just allows oneself to express and be wowed by the expression. So I think this is a more sensible reason to learn skills. That is to express oneself's intense wonders and get amazed by those expressions.

Brahma - by Ralph Waldo Emerson. (one of my favorite poem)

If the red slayer thinks he slays, Or if the slain thinks he is slain, They know not well the subtle ways. I keep, and  Pass, and turn again. Far and forget to me is near ; Shadow and sunlight are the same; The vanish gods appear; and one to me are shame and fame. They reckon ill who leaves me out; When me they fly, I am the wings; I am the doubter and the doubt, I am the hymn, the Brahmin sings. The strong gods pine for my abode  And pine in vain and sacred seven. But thou, meek lover of the good! Find me, and turn thy back on heaven.                                     - RALPH WALDO EMERSON                   

My Dear Work!

 I love you my work but where are you, I am getting too bored without you. I don't know, In which direction should I travel to find you. I am wandering in search of you, desperately wandering. Please come, come before my fire fades off and my wandering stops. I want to hug very tightly along with the delicate softness, I want to hold your hand in this dark and ever darkening night and just keep holding till you and I become one, not just one with each other but also with this dense dark night only then there can be a new dawn as I and you become the new sun. If not new dawn and new sun atleast a very bright moon in this complimentary colourless background. Come, Please come, Please..., As soon as possible and give me the convincing clue, convincing because I am a fool and a clue because I don't wanna let you go because of my ignorance. Let I reveal all my secrets to you and you reveal it to the world is the most elegant way, that's the reason that I have secrets because I c


  Please (not a desperate one), bring me closer to other fellow being, let my life be filled with the often gathering of fellow being coming together to celebrate life. I pray to you, to make sure that this invitation to celebrate life is given to every single being, let none be missed out, let human beings come closer to each other with love, respect, humility and oneness. I pray that each and every human find you and themselves in each other. Whoever is going through jealousy, anger, frustration, insecurities, loneliness, fear and sadness give them strength and guide them so that they won't make their life worse. Whoever is going through physical diseases whether acute or chronic, whether minor or severe please make them healthier or at least give them strength to face their disease. Let everybody be in love. Let everyone be happy, in immense joy, in deep satisfaction. Let everyone expresses themselves openly, fully, wholly and in holy patterns, without the fear of it's conse

You Do It For Me!

  I am tired of doing things, You do it for me. I don't know, what will you do for me I don't even know, what I was doing I doing thing makes me restless so, you do it for me. How not to do? teach me, that divine  How to do magnificently? by not doing, teach me not to do. I want to relax in your lap, carelessly, confidently, comfortably and securely, for ever and ever after. You do it for me. Let me become incompetent Let me become unskilled and completely powerless on my behalf, you do whatever is required you do it for me. Not commanding, not requesting but telling you what you always do even if I tell, or don't. As always you do it for me. Let I die in your lap death which is never restless, let I live in your lap Life which is never restless. 


  Where the life meets death Where the love meets lover Where intelligence meets stupidity Where beauty meets ugliness Where order meets disorder Where doubt meets doubter Where seeker meets seeken Where desire meets satisfaction Where survival meets suicide Where yin meets yang Where time meets space Where fear meets fearlessness Where I meets you Where there meets here Where rebel meets obey May be, you will have nothing to say.


We communicate with the reality in many dimensions but have only one efficient tool to share it with each other that is language. Looking at it, hearing it, feeling it is completely different from these sounds ie 'looking at it', 'hearing it', 'feeling it'. To understand you through your expression of words firstly, I should have already met reality in that dimension or else the efficiency of our common form of expression ie language, just drops down drastically. Our most efficient tool is also very inefficient. Secondly, our common form of expression should actually be common.  So, how can I express myself to you? How can you express yourself to me?  I DON'T KNOW.  We should not just express ourselves to each other but also express it in a pleasant, joyful way. HOW CAN I EXPRESS MYSELF TO YOU? In a way that enhances your meeting with reality. HOW CAN I EXPRESS MYSELF TO YOU? Is there a other way, more efficient, more reliable, more accurate, more enjoyable,

My Take On Suicide!

 People consider suicide to be a dark and negative action. But I have a different take on this..... first of all, I won't judge it, neither as dark nor negative or as anything else.    If a person commits suicide, I consider it to be a good thing for that person, kind of relief for that person. Look, we biologically by default are programmed to do anything for our survival, now think even after such a strong program or basic desire for survival if a person commits suicide than I feel or at least assume that the person was suffering terribly. let's look at it this way, consider a person 'A' is suffering from a most painful and chronic disease, he/she is screaming, crying out of pain and the disease is chronic and not curable, so everybody is helpless. Now for such kind of situation there is a legal procedure by which a patient can allow doctor to end his life(patient's) by medication. This practice is called as "Euthanasia".

To My Parents!

  Though I cause lot of trouble to you which I don't want to, your so patient. Though I never said how much I love you, I love you. Though I always show that I am independent, actually I am very dependent on you two. Though you are not happy with your faith or God for giving you such a useless son, I know you love me. I know that you are going through lots of struggle in your life's but still you somehow manage to be calm, friendly and loving and I am the one causing more of that struggle, sorry for that. I hope and wish (selfish desire) that you remain with me for the rest of my life because I can't find a place more secure than your lap, Mom and in your arms, Dad. I find this world very unsafe and I feel very unfit in this world and you're the only ones who gives me a feeling of security, love and hope. I don't know how can I go through this life without you, always feeling unsafe, always feeling unsecured, always feeling like in danger, maybe. Just that idea, tha

Writing for Myself.

  Writing for myself and writing for others are just two different things. These are just like "Zameen aur Asmaan". Writing for myself is just like, whatever you write does not matter. Tu gaali likh de jaise 'b*nchod', ya kuch bhi 'wadmirjkijfans' does not matter. Apne feeling likh de jaise ki feeling 'h*rny'. Tu apna opinion dede on controversial topic jaise (mai nai deraha). Tu kuch apne weird ideas likh de which YOU think log nahi samajh payenge. (you ko highlight karna zaroori tha) But when writing for people (or communicating) you have to use lots of filters especially when your dealing with people with very strong opinions. Writing for myself may be so weird that if somebody reads it they will find it weird.